Top row, left to right: Sherry Aschenbach, Benjamin Koch, Myesha Nealon, Nyesha Nealon, Anastasia Newsome.
Bottom row: Trinity Oliver, James Qu, Anna Thomas, Cherisse Trapp, Takuma Walter.
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Sherry Aschenbach
High School: Hardaway High School
College: Berry College
Major Area of Study: Kinesiology, Exercise Science, and Athletic Training
Essay Excerpt: Out of all the communities that I am a part of, the tennis community holds the most importance to me. Throughout the years, I have learned a lot from tennis such as discipline, responsibility, sportsmanship, and dedication. The coaches and mentors I have had along the way, have helped me on the tennis court and in the classroom. With their help I was able to excel on the tennis court and maintain a 4.0 GPA throughout high school. Tennis has shown me the importance of physical education in a person’s life. With this being said, I am excited to be attending Berry College to purse a degree in Kinesiology, and to play tennis.
Activities and Awards
- CORTA (Columbus Regional Tennis Association) Volunteer
- Teen Council
- National Honor Society
- High School Choir
- Highlands Church Outreach Volunteer
- Beta Club Member
- National English Honor Society Member
- Principal’s Honor Roll
Motto or Quote: “You can’t win them all, but you sure can try.” – Connie Mack
Favorite Tennis Memory: Meeting my college teammates for the first time
Benjamin Koch
High School: Etowah High School
College: Louisiana State University
Major Area of Study: Pre-Law
Essay Excerpt: I started playing the sport of tennis at the age of three years old, when my dad took me to the city courts. Ever since then, I have fell in love with the game of tennis as it has taken me all across the United States. Tennis gave me the opportunity to meet friends, become aware of myself, responsibility, organization, how to build relationships, and even how to deal with conflict. I am a blue chip, ranked number three in the nation, and I am happy to have the opportunity to pursue degree in Pre-Law and tennis career at Louisiana State University.
Activities and Awards
- Etowah High School Tennis Team
- Louisiana 2-time Player of the Year
- Easter Bowl Gold Ball in Doubles
- 3 Bronze Balls
- Zonals Champion
- Intersectional Champion
- National Honor Society
- Beta Club
Motto or Quote: “It’s not about how hard you get hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
Favorite Tennis Memory: When I won the Gold ball at the Easter Bowl in California in doubles with my partner and friend Welsh Hotard. That was a moment when I attained a goal that I had set for myself and I got to experience that moment with someone who is still my friend today and that I played all of my junior doubles with.
Myesha Nealon
High School: Greenville High School
College: Hinds Community College
Major Area of Study: Biomedical Engineering
Essay Excerpt: Playing tennis and maintaining good grades have opened-up many opportunities for me to explore the world. I have been a NJTL member for over five years and have attended the NJTL Leadership Camp for the past two years. I have won the Arthur Ashe Essay Contest, been named Most Valuable Player on my high school team over the past three years, and I help assist younger inspiring tennis players in my community. I have reached my future goal of being able to pursue my degree in Biomedical Engineering and tennis career at Hinds Community College.
Activities and Awards
- Arthur Ashe Essay Contest Winner 2015
- Rookie of the Year 2016
- Most Valuable Player, 2017 & 2019
- Technology Student Association-Vice President
- 100 Black Men Volunteer Hostess
- Teenette Leadership Group
- USTA Junior Team Tennis
- Greenville NJTL
Motto or Quote: “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.” ~James Baldwin
Favorite Tennis Memory: My favorite tennis memory is the time I advanced to play at the state level. The spring of my 10th grade year was the first time that I got the chance to advance to state competition. I was very excited because I knew that passing district meant that I was making progress. Unfortunately, I lost in the first round at the state competition, but I was so grateful to have made it to that moment. I made my teammates and coaches very proud. This will always be a tennis memory that I will never forget.
Nyesha Nealon
High School: Greenville High School
College: Hines Community College
Major Area of Study: Accounting or Nursing
Essay Excerpt: Tennis and education has been important in the development of the person I am today. I have been a USTA and NJTL member for the past six years. I have won the Arthur Ashe Tennis Essay Contest twice and attended the NJTL Leadership Camp for two years. Tennis has exposed me to new experiences such as traveling, watching professional tennis matches, and meeting professional tennis player, Frances Tiafoe. Tennis has also taught me skills such as being steadfast, enhanced my critical thinking, and to never give up. These are skills that I will not only continue to use on the tennis court, but also in my educational ventures. Tennis and education are very important to me, as I will continue my academic and tennis career at Hines Community College.
Activities and Awards
- Cross-County Team
- Beta Club
- Arthur Ashe Essay Contest Winner, 2014 & 2019
- EMT Program
- Keep Greenville Clean
- Teenette Art and Civic Club
- USTA Junior Team Tennis
- Greenville NJTL
Motto or Quote: “What’s the world for you, if you can’t make it up the way you want it.” – Toni Morrison
Favorite Tennis Memory: Attending the USTA Southern Leadership Camp at Ole Miss
Anastasia Newsome
Recipient of the Mildred F. Southern Academic Excellence Award
High School: Elizabethtown High School
College: University of Louisville
Major Area of Study: Biology and Neuroscience
Essay Excerpt: I started my high school tennis career at a very early age, as I earned a spot on the varsity team as a 5th grader. Having the opportunity to compete against older, more mature, and experienced tennis student-athletes increased my level of play on the court, while also getting a different type of exposure of the court. I felt like I had a step-up in tennis and school when I finally enrolled in high school. One of the biggest life lessons that tennis has taught me, was how to management the sport with school life. This lesson will be needed as I pursue a degree in Biology and Neuroscience, and my tennis career at University of Louisville.
Activities and Awards
- Beta Club
- Honor Roll
- Varsity Cross Country
- 2018 Sophomore Tennis Player of the Year
- 2019-2020 Varsity Tennis Team Captain
- Governor’s School of Entrepreneurs Alumni
- KHSAA Academic All-State First Tennis Team
- Kentucky Girls State Delegate
Motto or Quote: “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine
Favorite Tennis Memory: The bus rides back home from state were always the best. Everyone just bonding and having a good time, making it a great way to end a season!
Trinity Oliver
High School: Crossroads Flex High School
College: North Carolina A&T
Major Area of Study: English-Creative Writing
Essay Excerpt: This sport requires grace and one skill I had to learn, forgiveness. Tennis is a constant game of momentum shifts, and when the momentum was not in my favor or mistakes set in, I would blame myself. It made me question my competence, but I had to learn that mistakes do not define who you are. Once I realized this, my whole perspective change and I was able to learn more than just grace and forgiveness from tennis. I gained time-management skills, confidence, communication skills, and even improved my physical fitness. I am grateful for what it has taught me. I will continue to carry these skills and lessons with me, as I will play tennis and purse my degree in English-Creative Writing at North Carolina A&T.
Activities and Award
- Ranked in the Top 50 in North Carolina
- Captain of Junior Team Tennis
- National Honor Society Member
- DECA- Public Relations Chair
- NSHSS Member
- 2019 Kappa Alpha Psi Scholar
- Wake County Public Schools Honor
- Young Adult Author
Motto or Quote: Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey
Favorite Tennis Memory: When I joined the Ebony Racquet Club Advanced junior tennis league, I was able to meet peers that enjoyed the game just as much as I do. I remember one tournament we travelled to Georgia to compete in the sectionals JTT tournament. That weekend was filled with laughter, competition and intensity. We played doubles on the court and relaxed afterwards by sharing embarrassing stories and past experiences. That weekend was the first time I truly was able to experience the team/family environment that can be created within the game of tennis.
James Qu
High School: Riverside High School
College: Duke University
Major Area of Study: Computer Science/Engineering or Electrical Engineering
Essay Excerpt: Tennis has always been a learning experience for me, just like being in the classroom. I took away skills like how to handle certain situations, how to handle being under pressure, team building skills, and many more. School has also provided me with the knowledge that will ultimately help me achieve my goals. My sister has Down’s Syndrome and because of it, it has created one of my biggest goals. This goal is to integrate electronic devices with artificial intelligence technology into the hands of people with disabilities to help them be less dependent. Having the opportunity to play tennis and accomplish my biggest goal is important to me, and I am excited that I will be able to do both at Duke University.
Activities and Awards
- #1 Player & Captain on HS Tennis Team
- Mu Alpha Theta- President
- National Honor Society
- Beta Club
- French Honor Society
- 2020 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist
- AP Scholar with Distinction Award
- Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
Motto or Quote: “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.”- George S. Patton
Favorite Tennis Memory: My favorite tennis memory occurred when I won the Boys 14 doubles title at the SC state qualifier tournament after saving match points in the final.
Anna Thomas
High School: Reidsville High School
College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Major Area of Study: Linguistics, German, Musical Theater
Essay Excerpt: Tennis and education have a relationship that makes it more than just a fun sport to play, for me. Tennis has taught me many lessons such as sportsmanship, strategy, problem-solving, and how to become a more responsible citizen. Tennis has also given me opportunities such as being able to intern with NJTL, participate in the Winston Salem Open, meet Frances Tiafeo, and continue my educational and tennis career at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. So, what does tennis and education have to do with one another? Everything.
Activities and Awards
- HS Tennis Team Captain
- National Honor Society-President
- Student Body-Vice President
- International Baccalaureate Program
- State NTJL Essay Contest Winner
- International Thespian Society
- HS Marching Band-Section Leader
- Rockingham County Tennis Association NJTL
Motto or Quote: “Regret is the thing we should fear most. Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer to.” – Trevor Noah
Favorite Tennis Memory: My favorite tennis memory is going to the Winston Salem Open and getting the chance to meet Frances Tiafoe.
Cherisse Trapp
High School: Fairfield Central High
College: University of South Carolina
Major Area of Study: Computer Science
Essay Excerpt: I started playing tennis at a late age, but as soon as I started, I fell in love with the sport. It was very challenging at first, but I never would I have though I would have been able to accomplish what have accomplished while playing this sport. Tennis taught me how to believe in myself and that hard work pays off. I have worked so hard over the past 4 years, as I played number one for 3 years and I became captain of the team my senior year. I am happy to say that I will pursing a degree in Computer Science and playing tennis at the University of South Carolina.
Activities and Awards
- All-Region HS Tennis
- HS Tennis Team-MVP
- HS Tennis Team Captain
- Beta Club
- National Honor Society
- Student Body Government
- Griffin Ambassador
Motto or Quote: “Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.”- John Wooden
Favorite Tennis Memory: When playing high school tennis there was this girl I had to play from another school, and she was really good. I played her three times that season, and I lost all three times. This just made me work harder, so then I signed up for a tournament where I was assigned to play her. I do not know what went on in my body, but I felt different this day. I went out there confident and with the knowledge that I was going to beat her, and I did. This day made me realize that if you put in hard work you can achieve greatness!
Takuma Walter
Recipient of the Mildred F. Southern Academic Excellence Award
Hometown: Memphis, TN
High School: White Station High School
College: University of Florida
Major Area of Study: Neuroscience
Essay Excerpt: I picked up my first racket when I was seven years and ever since then, I have not been able to put it down. I always strive to be the best I can be and enjoy the competitive nature of the sport. I also have learned many things from tennis such as time management, wisdom, and determination. I am excited to take all these skills and everything else that I have learned from this sport to the next level. I will continue my educational and tennis career at the University of Florida majoring in Neuroscience.
Activities and Awards
- Eagle Scout
- HS Tennis Team Captain
- 2011 Arthur Ashe Art Contest Winner
- 2017 Tennessee State Jr. Qualifying Doubles Champion
- 2018-2019 Commercial Appeal Player of the Year
- 2018 TSSAA Large Class Tennis Singles State Champion
- High School Orchestra
- Tennis Memphis NJTL
Motto or Quote: “If you want to see a miracle, be the miracle.” – Morgan Freeman
Favorite Tennis Memory: My favorite memory was last year when our team won our sectional match with only 3 out of the 6 varsity players showing up. This resulted in our team automatically defaulting 3 matches in a format where the first team to win 4 matches wins. We ended up clutching the victory with the score of 4-3. What is amazing about this is that every match was close and competitive and our number 6 player who was a freshman had to be moved up to our number 3 spot.